Deeplinking support in Android is relatively straightforward. You declare your deeplinks in the app's manifest, receive the incoming Intent
passed in to your Activity
and then navigate the user to the associated destination. This pipeline works just fine when you only need to support a handful of deeplinks. What happens though as the number of deeplinks grow? How do you deal with several dozen, or possibly even hundreds, of deeplinks?
First Stab at Deeplinks
When we first implemented deeplinking in our app, we only had to support 12 different deeplinks. We introduced a DeeplinkRouter
class that would take the incoming Intent
and determine where to navigate the user:
interface Deeplink {
fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean
class NotificationsDeeplink(val navigator: Navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean {
return if (uri.path == "/notifications") {
} else {
class ProfileDeeplink(
val navigator: Navigator,
val userRepository: UserRepository
) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean {
val profileId = uri.getQueryParameter("id")
val isCurrentUser = userRepository.getCurrentUser().id == profileId
return if (uri.path == "/profile" && profileId != null) {
navigator.goToProfile(profileId, showColleagues = isCurrentUser)
} else {
// ... more deeplink definitions ...
class DeeplinkRouter(
notificationsDeeplink: NotificationsDeeplink,
profileDeeplink: ProfileDeeplink,
// ...
) {
private val deeplinks = listOf(
// ...
fun route(intent: Intent) { { uri ->
deeplinks.find { it.route(uri) }
Problems at Scale
As the number of deeplinks and the complexity of their definitions grew, two big issues started to emerge. The first was managing the sheer number of deeplinks - we had nearly 50 at one point! Each of these had to be injected into DeeplinkRouter
and then passed to its internal deeplinks
list. We decided to resolve this by introducing an annotation that would allow us to eliminate this boilerplate:
class NotificationsDeeplink(val navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean {
// ...
class DeeplinkRouter(val register: DeeplinkRegister) {
fun route(intent: Intent) { { uri ->
register.deeplinks.find { it.route(uri) }
The DeeplinkRegister
class is generated at build time (more on this later) and it's responsible for maintaining the list of deeplinks
The second issue comes from the fact that certain deeplink definitions are order-sensitive. For example, take the following two deeplinks:
class ArticleDeeplink(val navigator: Navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean {
return if (uri.path?.startsWith("/article") == true && uri.pathSegments.size == 2) {
navigator.goToArticle(id = uri.pathSegments[1])
} else {
class CommentsDeeplink(val navigator: Navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri): Boolean {
return if (uri.path?.startsWith("/article") == true
&& uri.path?.endsWith("/comments") == true
&& uri.pathSegments.size == 3
) {
navigator.goToComments(id = uri.pathSegments[1])
} else {
If the user opens{id}/comments and ArticleDeeplink
is called first, CommentsDeeplink
will never have a chance to route the deeplink. We have to ensure that CommentsDeeplink
is placed before ArticleDeeplink
in the list. This problem is subtle and becomes increasingly difficult to manage at scale.
Instead, it would be better to merge the two deeplinks and enforce the rule that only one deeplink definition can map to a specific top-level path (i.e. /article
interface Deeplink {
fun route(uri: Uri) // no longer returns Boolean
class ArticleDeeplink(val navigator: Navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri) {
// could break this down into helper functions/classes
when {
uri.pathSegments.size == 2 -> {
navigator.goToArticle(id = uri.pathSegments[1])
uri.pathSegments.size == 3 && uri.path?.endsWith("/comments") {
navigator.goToComments(id = uri.pathSegments[1])
class DeeplinkRouter(val register: DeeplinkRegister) {
fun route(intent: Intent) { { uri ->
val topLevelPath = uri.pathSegments.firstOrNull()
register.findDeeplink("/$topLevelPath")?.let { it.route(uri) }
will maintain a mapping of top-level paths to their corresponding deeplink definition. If a match is found, the deeplink is returned to the DeeplinkRouter
and given the incoming Uri
. This greatly reduces the complexity around managing deeplinks.
Adding Annotation Support
Let's take a look at building the annotation processor for our deeplinks. First, we'll want to create a new Kotlin library module called :deeplinks-annotation,
which will house our @RegisterDeeplink
annotation class RegisterDeeplink(val topLevelPath: String)
Next, we'll create a second module called :deeplinks-processor
, which will use the following dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation project(':deeplinks-annotation') // access our annotation
implementation "{version}" // ksp annotation processor
implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet-ksp:{version}" // writing kotlin code
Before we dive into the implementation of our annotation processor, let's take a look at the code we're trying to generate:
// DeeplinkRegister.kt is generated at build time by our annotation processor
class DeeplinkRegister(
notificationsDeeplink: NotificationsDeeplink,
profileDeeplink: ProfileDeeplink,
articleDeeplink: ArticleDeeplink,
// the rest of our deeplinks
) {
private val deeplinks: Map<String, Deeplink> = mapOf(
"/notifications" to notificationsDeeplink,
"/profile" to profileDeeplink,
"/article" to articleDeeplink,
// the rest of our mappings
fun findDeeplink(topLevelPath: String): Deeplink? = deeplinks[topLevelPath]
With this in mind, let's start writing the actual annotation processor. The first step is to acquire all of the classes that are annotated with @RegisterDeeplink
val codeGenerator: CodeGenerator, // we'll write our generated file to this
val logger: KSPLogger // for logging error messages to the user
) : SymbolProcessor {
override fun process(resolver: Resolver)
val symbols = resolver
// ...
We'll maintain a map of deeplink names to paths as we visit each annotated class. We'll also use KotlinPoet to assist us in writing the code for the DeeplinkRegister
override fun process(resolver: Resolver)
// ...
val deeplinkMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>() // deeplink names to paths
val registerConstructor = FunSpec.constructorBuilder()
symbols.forEach { it.accept(Visitor(deeplinkMap, registerConstructor), Unit) }
// ...
inner class Visitor(
val deeplinkMap: Map<String, String>,
val registerConstructor: FunSpec.Builder
) : KSVisitorVoid() {
override fun visitClassDeclaration(classDeclaration: KSClassDeclaration, data: Unit) {
super.visitClassDeclaration(classDeclaration, data)
// ...
When visiting each class, we'll first obtain the topLevelPath
argument from the annotation. Then we'll verify it hasn't already been associated with another deeplink. Finally, we'll create the constructor parameter for the deeplink and update the map:
override fun visitClassDeclaration(classDeclaration: KSClassDeclaration, data: Unit) {
super.visitClassDeclaration(classDeclaration, data)
val topLevelPath = classDeclaration.getAnnotationsByType(RegisterDeeplink::class)
if (deeplinksMap.values.contains(topLevelPath)) {
logger.error("Multiple deeplinks with the same path were found: $topLevelPath")
val typeName = classDeclaration.toClassName()
val variableName = typeName.simpleName.replaceFirstChar { it.lowercase() }
val parameter = ParameterSpec.builder(variableName, typeName).build()
deeplinkMap[variableName] = topLevelPath
In addition to checking for duplicate paths, it would also be a good idea to check that the path is formatted correctly (i.e. starts with a '/'
, no subdirectories or query parameters).
After visiting each class declaration, we'll build the internal deeplinks
property with the path to deeplink mappings:
override fun process(resolver: Resolver) {
// ...
val deeplinkPackage = "..." // the full package name where the Deeplink interface is located in your project
val deeplinkType = ClassName(deeplinkPackage, "Deeplink")
val deeplinksMapType = MAP.parameterizedBy(STRING, deeplinkType)
val deeplinksProperty = PropertySpec.builder("deeplinks", deeplinksMapType, KModifier.PRIVATE)
.withIndent {
registerConstructor.parameters.forEach { parameter ->
add(CodeBlock.of("\n\"%L\" to %L,", deeplinkMap[],
// ...
Then we'll create the findDeeplink
override fun process(resolver: Resolver) {
// ...
val findDeeplinkFunction = FunSpec.builder("findDeeplink")
.addParameter("topLevelPath", STRING)
.returns(deeplinkType.copy(nullable = true))
.addCode("return deeplinks[topLevelPath]")
// ...
The last thing to do here is create the DeeplinkRegister
class, adding each of the pieces we previously built, and writing it to a DeeplinkRegister.kt
override fun process(resolver: Resolver) {
// ...
val deeplinkRegister = TypeSpec.classBuilder("DeeplinkRegister")
try {
FileSpec.get(deeplinkPackage, deeplinkRegister)
.writeTo(codeGenerator, dependencies)
} catch (e: FileAlreadyExistsException) {
// fixes issue with multiple rounds of processing
return symbols.filterNot { it.validate() }.toList() // unprocessed symbols
Before we can use the annotation processor in our project, we need to register it. We can do this by declaring a provider for it:
class DeeplinkRegisterProcessorProvider : SymbolProcessorProvider {
override fun create(environment: SymbolProcessorEnvironment): SymbolProcessor {
return DeeplinkRegisterProcessor(environment.codeGenerator, environment.logger)
Then we add a new file named
to the /resources/META-INF/services
directory, which will contain the fully qualified name of the provider we just created:
Finally, we'll add the two modules to our app's build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
dependencies {
api project(':deeplinks-annotation')
ksp project(':deeplinks-processor')
Other Considerations
There's more improvements we can make to our solution. For instance, not all deeplinks can be determined from its path alone. Some may have different domains that require different routing. Others might not even be HTTP (i.e. tel:
and mailto:
links). One option is to handle these deeplinks separately inside of DeeplinkRouter
. Another is to update @RegisterDeeplink
to include optional fields for the scheme and domain parts of the URL, having these be part of the underlying deeplink mapping in DeeplinkRegister
Sometimes different paths require the same routing, for example /profile
and /profiles
. You can delegate any secondary deeplinks to the primary one, preventing the need to rewrite the same definition twice:
class ProfileDeeplink(val navigator: Navigator) : Deeplink {
override fun route(uri: Uri) {
// ... deeplink definition ...
class ProfilesDeeplink(profileDeeplink: ProfileDeeplink) : Deeplink by profileDeeplink
Another consideration is testing. We pass in
to all of our deeplinks. Since classes from the Android framework are stubbed out in JUnit tests, we have to do a lot of mocking! Consider swapping this class for
or create a wrapper type that can be faked during tests.
Overall though, the solution provided here gives us a good framework for dealing with deeplinks at scale!
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